our guardian program

Our guardian program at bourbon bernedoodles is part of what makes us unique, and helps us do breeding in a more ethical, and sustainable way. Through our program, each and every one of our bourbon bernedoodle dog parents are in loving homes of their own.

They live with other dog enthusiest, & our trusted friends and family members. They recieve quality time and attention, are spoiled, & live a beautiful full life with belly rubs, sleeping on the couch, playing with the human kids and going on adventures with their families! We do not see our parent dogs as stock, products, or property, they are loving beings and are cared for as such. There is not barn full of dogs, no mass amount of kennels, or heard of neglected dogs on a large property at bourbon bernedoodles.

want to be a guardian family?

We are always looking for dog lovers for our program dogs!! if you live in Northern Utah please submit for more information about being part of our program :)
